Wild Bight, Whale Point Trail

2 September 2019, Monday

After breakfast O and I drive up the eastern side of Pistolet Bay to Wild Bight where we find the Whale Point Trail. This trail traverses a limestone barren. We walk out to Whale Point on this very windy day and try to find some shelter down among the rocks in which to eat our lunch and watch for whales. Alas, we see no whales, but we do see northern gannets diving for fish, lots of gulls and flocks of female common eider ducks.

Up in the wind at Whale Point
Behind the rocks we are a bit more sheltered from the wind.
Orange lichen on the limestone
Limestone barrens viewed from near the light station
Cape Norman Light Station

After lunch we proceed along the trail to the Cape Norman Light Station and from there we return along the road to Vincent. It’s been a fairly level hike ad after approximately 7 km, my ankle seems no worse for the wear. Back at camp we eat dinner and take down the tarp. Tomorrow is supposed to be another rainy day and we are scheduled to drive south to Deer Park. Once again we decide to strike camp while everything is dry and sleep in Vincent tonight.

Nice to be back among the trees at Pistolet Bay Provincial Park, protected from the wind.

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