Livingston MT

Tuesday 25 September 2018

on to Livingston, Montana

Just after 8 am we are on the road once more. We cross from Idaho into Montana and lose an hour as we are now in the mountain time zone. The drive from western to central Montana is quite scenic. We cross the continental divide and return to the Mississippi River drainage basin. As we near Livingston we can see the distant Absaroka and Gallatin Mountains. The peaks have a fresh dusting of snow. Summer really is over! Livingston itself is a cute little town and a “gateway” to Yellowstone. We enjoy a delicious dinner at the Mustang Restaurant. O and I plan to get to bed early tonight in hopes of getting yet another early start tomorrow.

Snowcapped peaks in the distance as we drive to Livingston, Montana
More snowcapped mountains
In Livingston, Montana

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