Tule Elk Reserve and McClure Beach

Tuesday 21 August 2018

We have breakfast at the resort: muffins, yogurt, fresh strawberries and coffee. After doing laundry at Olema RV Campground we drive to the Bear Valley Visitor Center hoping to get our back country camping permits. The ranger informs us that we must return tomorrow. Permits are only given out on the day of entry to the back country.

O and I now drive north to see the Tule Elk reserve and McClure’s Beach where there is a deposit of gneiss. We plan to walk the short path to McClure’s Beach first and then the longer path into the elk reserve to view this subspecies of elk native to California. When we arrive in the parking lot and open the van door we hear elk bugling. No need to go looking for elk. They have found us! We watch as two bull elks spar while trying to impress the females. In the dim light, due to mist and clouds, it is again difficult to get clear photos. I do the best I can from my perch in Vincent’s door.

Dueling elks
Bugling elk
California poppy

After the elk wander into a dip between two hills and out of view, we set off for McClure’s Beach, stopping to photograph more wildflowers on the way. The beach is pretty. We photograph the rocks and the waves. By now the afternoon is passing by. We return briefly to the resort and then drive on to the Tap Room, 3 miles down the road, where we enjoy an early dinner and a good porter.

The path to McClure’s Beach
O at McClure’s Beach
“Gneiss” rocks!

Back at Tomales Bay Resort we pack for our backpacking trip. As usual, I wonder how our gear, clothing and food can possibly fit into our packs, but fit it does.

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