Bierstadt Lake and Upper Beaver Meadows

Thursday, 19 July 2019

My leg is still too sore for a ten mile point to point hike with the group today, but I am determined to do some hiking. After a stop at Beaver Meadows Visitor Center to call home (there is good cell phone reception here,) O and I head up to the Park and Ride on Bear Lake Road. We initially plan to follow the group as far as I can go, towards Fern Lake and then head back down, but as we climb up the trail we decide to head to Bierstadt Lake instead. It is a relatively easy 4 mile hike. We wind through pine forests on the rocky trail, passing only a few other hikers. As long as I walk slowly the aching in my leg remains tolerable

Bierstadt Lake lunch spot

Bierstadt Lake is a picturesque lake with the high peaks of the park visible in the distance. We are surprised by the lack of crowds. At the lake itself, there are a few families scattered along the shore enjoying the view and the bright sunshine. O and I make our way around to a shaded spot where we eat our lunch and are visited by some ducks hoping for a handout. The disappointed ducks must settle for pond weed. It is illegal to feed wild animals in a national park.

Bierstadt Lake duck

After lunch we complete our walk around the shore and begin our hike to the trailhead. The steep ridge we must descend faces southward so we are blasted by the sun as we walk the long switchbacks. The bright slope is covered in wildflowers and their scents mingle in the warm air. We finally arrive back at the shuttle stop. My leg is no better… but it is no worse for the wear either.

Mariposa Lily
The view on the trail down from Bierstadt Lake
More wildflowers

To complete our afternoon explore we first stop at the visitor center to view the park film. Then we drive to Upper Beaver Meadows and walk a short way up the trail where we sit in the shade of some ponderosa pines and look for wildlife. All we see is a golden mantled squirrel and a few birds, but it is a pleasant place to rest. Before dinner we catch up with the rest of the group. They had a strenuous, but excellent hike with wildlife spotting that included pica, a bull moose and another marmot.

Upper Beaver Meadows

Tomorrow will be our last full day together. The plan for the larger part of the group is a challenging 10 mile out and back hike up to Sky Pond. Meanwhile, O and I, along with Evelyn and Larry, two other group members looking for an easier day, will follow along at a slower pace and set the Loch, 2.5 miles up the trail, as our destination, for a 5 mile out and back trek.

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