Glen Camp to Vacaville

Sunday 26 August 2018

As another damp misty morning dawns, we pack up our gear and hike 4.6 miles out to the Bear Valley Visitor Center. We pass back through mixed forest and a broad meadow. It takes only two hours to complete our hike.

Misty meadow on the way back to the visitor center

At the Visitor Center O explores the exhibits. He finds a model of the thick billed black bird that we saw at Wildcat Beach. It is a scoter. I catch up with Dad since there is good cell reception. Then it’s on to Vacaville. We arrive at our motel eager for showers, only to be told the water is off as they undergo repairs of a leaky pipe. The receptionist promises the water will be back on by 8 pm at the latest. We walk out to Vincent to retrieve some clean clothes. By the time we get back in, the water has been turned on. O and I happily take showers and then find a brew pub for dinner. We even have time for laundry on our return to the motel.

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