Point Lobos State Nature Reserve

Sunday 19 August 2018

During our visit last Thursday with Karen she suggested that we not miss Point Lobos while we are in this area. It is a California State Nature Reserve where a striking coastline with the addition of beautiful flora and opportunities to see coastal wildlife make it a must-see attraction. Initially O and I had considered stopping at Point Lobos Monday, on our way to Point Reyes. But today we are both ready for a break from the inland heat.

We begin the day with another stop at the Cozy Cup Cafe, our now favorite breakfast location in Hollister. On our way to the coast, we stop again at Trader Joe’s to pick up some backpack snacks. We arrive at Point Lobos around 1:30. The volunteers here are very helpful, and very pleased that we have come all the way from Pennsylvania to visit. The Cypress Grove Trail and the Sea Lion Point Trail are recommended as great starting points for an explore.

We begin with Cypress Grove.As we pause to gaze out at the kelp beds O and I think we see some sea otters. I take some photos, but the combination of ocean mist, waves and the need to zoom in makes a clear shot difficult. We proceed around the loop and watch seals and distant sea lions. The rocky coast is magnificent! It takes quite awhile to walk the one mile loop. There is so much to see!

Lots of sea lions
Seal looking back at me
Seal waiting for the tide

Now we turn onto the Sea Lion Point Trail. I photograph more sea lions and seals. We laugh as the rising tide surprises one dozing seal and washes him into the surf. We round the point and take the South Shore Trail. Here we stop to identify another sea otter. This time I am determined to get an identifiable photo. I keep shooting, hoping for at least one clear picture.

Sea otter

By now it is late afternoon and time to find dinner. We stop at a brew pub in Monterey before driving back to Pinnacles. I will have to email Karen and thank her for the wonderful recommendation.

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