6 September 2019, Friday
It’s a perfect morning – sun shining, breeze blowing, orange chocolate chip cake baking. After breakfast O and I head back to Twillingate Island, this time to Durrell where there are multiple trailheads for a network of trails leading to Spiller’s Cove, Clam Rock Head and Codjack Cove. We begin our hike at the end of Slades Lane, walking over hills and bogs to steep cliffs along the shore.
The views along the coast are spectacular with multiple shades of blue and teal water, sheer cliffs, white caps and behind us, bogs in varied shades of green, speckled with blueberries, partridgeberries, and crowberries. We couldn’t ask for a better day. As we walk along the cliff edge at Spiller’s Cove we see an osprey perched on a nest on top of a stone pillar. The wind is so brisk I can’t hold the camera steady enough for a clear photo.
We must return to Vincent by mid-afternoon so I can get to my haircut appointment at Hairlooms in Twillingate. I’m getting rather shaggy at this point in our travels.
We resolve to return and spend more time exploring the coast here next year, but for now – it’s back to Dildo Run for showers and supper. While we are eating, a pod of at least five, maybe more, porpoises swims just off the point near our campsite. They entertain us for quite some time. Dinner and dishes done, and porpoises out of sight, we have just enough time for laundry before bedtime.