Ohanapecosh, Mt. Rainier National Park

Saturday 8 September 2018

After a pleasant night at Packwood Lodge we drive up to Ohanapecosh visitor center and campground. We buy a map and yet another geology book. We chat with a ranger who suggests we walk the Grove of the Patriarchs and see Silver Falls. Our morning is spent exploring these paths. There are indeed ancient and awesome cedars and firs in the Grove. We drive to the group site at Ohanapecosh, arriving early. O and I make ourselves comfortable at a picnic table and await the arrival of the rest of the group. By 4 pm tents are set up, except for ours – we have decided to spend the night in Vincent so that we don’t need to unpack our backpacks. After dinner, a campfire, and s’mores we all turn in early. We plan to wake at 5 am tomorrow morning so we can have breakfast, drive up to Sunrise visitor center an hour and 15 minutes away, and begin our hike by 10 am.

Twin Doug Firs in the Grove
O at the Big Cedar
Silver Falls

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