PEI National Park, Greenwich

27 July 2019, Saturday

Although I can’t do any hiking, we hop into Vincent after our breakfast of strawberries and chocolate pancakes and drive towards the eastern section of PEI National Park at Greenwich. It’s a scenic drive through small villages, along coast and bays and past signs advertising Sunday night ceilidhs. After 1 ½ hours we arrive at the Interpretive Center where displays discuss the formation and migration of parabolic dunes, the dune grass that is essential to their formation and the various plant and animal life of the area. There is also a sitting area where one can listen via headphones to stories of how life used to be on PEI.

Bay view at PEI Greenwich
Wild pea flowers at PEI NP Greenwich
I made it to the trailhead!

We visit the trailhead for the approximately 8 km dunes trail along a gravel and boardwalk path. It’s a very hot hobble to where the trail begins. This hike will also have to wait until next year. We drive back to Cavendish and, after supper, return to the beach to look for more gannets. There are none this evening, but we see some ducks and lots of gulls. An osprey puts on a spectacular display as it soars along the shoreline, stopping periodically to hover as it hunts for a meal, spreading its tail feathers in a beautiful fan. The red sun once again sinks through the clouds and soon we make our way back to camp once more.

O’s sunset photo from Cavendish Beach

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