Exploring North America

PEI National Park, Cavendish

25 July 2019, Thursday After a light Asian style breakfast of fruit, mildly garlicky muffin and a sort of rice pudding with herbs and slices of pork we drive towards the national park at Cavendish stopping along the way at a bank and at Kent, Canada’s version of Home Depot, to buy some planks to help level Vincent when the campsite is a bit sloped. As we approach the north

Hopewell Rocks, NB and Shipwright Inn, PEI

24 July 2019, Wednesday Yesterday was a day of intermittent rain, but it was not as rainy as Sunday. Much of the day is spent reviewing and revising our travel plans for the next two weeks to accommodate my cast. The tarp hang is excellent and allows us to cook breakfast and supper in camp despite the rain. As we drive towards Charlottetown, PEI we will be passing directly by

New Cast

22 July 2019 We drive back to Saint John Regional Hospital today for a clinic visit. It’s time to exchange my spikey plaster cast for a nice blue fiberglass cast. Along the way we stop in Sussex for more strawberries. I ask the nurse if I can wipe off my leg as I was knee deep in mud the day before my accident. The cast is removed revealing lovely shades

Rainy Day at Fundy NP

21 July 2019 There is supposed to be rain today, but the morning begins with bright sunshine. O and I prepare our first car camping breakfast. It is nice to be sitting at a picnic table beneath pine trees cooking and eating. Breakfast is an “upside down cake,” but since we are not baking fruit with it, I guess it’s just a cake. We have a quart of fresh local

Back to Fundy National Park

20 July 2019 Saturday My last round of Barb’s fluffy blueberry pancakes. . . at least until next year. Barb, Mike and Melyssa wish us safe travels and hope we will return. They have enjoyed our visit almost as much as we have. O and I are soon on the road to Sussex where we pick up car camping groceries and stop at Walmart for an extra pillow for my

Fundy Trail Parkway

19 July 2019, Friday Today we will explore the Fundy Trail Parkway, New Brunswick’s answer to California’s Highway 1. The parkway winds along the ridge tops overlooking the bay. The route is supposed to be completed by 2022, although when I mention that to a New Brunswick resident, he snorts and says it was supposed to have been finished by this year. The fee for entering the highway is $17

Salmon River B&B and Sussex

18 July 2019, Thursday My new nickname here at the B&B is Gimpy. O is now known as “Mr. Gimpy.” During the night my foot must have swelled more, despite being elevated. I woke with numb toes and pain on the top of my foot. My ankle felt OK. After breakfast I call the hospital for advice. The nurse suggests an ER visit but also says they usually cut a

Saint John back to St. Martins

17 July 2019 Wednesday The Holiday Inn staff is great. They give us a goody bag with all the toiletries we need. O gets a laundry detergent pod so we can wash our grungy camping clothes in the morning since these are the only clothes we have with us here in Saint John. Even the free breakfast and coffee is good. We are told we can take our time getting

Rescue at Brandy Brook

16 July 2019, Tuesday We are up before 6 am today. As per our usual routine O starts breakfast while I pack up the inside of our Nemo tent. The other hikers are beginning to stir as well. Just as we are getting ready to hoist packs, three older guys come puffing into camp from the opposite direction. They’ve been on the trail since 4:30 am so that they can

To Goose Creek’s tidal crossing

15 July 2019, Monday We are moving quite slowly today. After breakfast and gleaning some trail info from the Nova Scotians camped at Rose Brook we move on. O’s knee twinges with every downhill step he takes. We cover a bit over 5 km to arrive at Goose Creek two hours before low tide. It is 4 pm. Altogether it took us 7 hours to get here. On one of




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