Exploring North America

Bay Furnace, Munising

3 August 2017, Thursday After breakfast we pack up Wglwof and head for Pictured Rock Cruises in Munising. The 11 am tour will go out as scheduled, but the captain announces that we may not get the complete tour due to continued high waves of 5-7 feet. He also warns those with a susceptibility to sea sickness that they may not enjoy a three hour roller coaster ride. Several people

Wednesday at Bay Furnace Campground

2 August 2017, Wednesday We wake this morning and exit Wglwof, our Marmot tent (‘Marmot” when viewed upside down while lying on the tent floor looks like wglwof) to bake spiced fruit and nut muffins for breakfast. Next we are off on Forest Road H58 on a scenic drive to Grand Marais MI. Here we visit Lake Superior Brewing Company for lunch accompanied by a Granite Brown ale and Cabin

Bay Furnace Campground

1 August 2017, Tuesday We wake refreshed! There were no raccoons to disturb our sleep last night. We bake some peach-oat bran muffins, our own homemade mix, which we eat with blueberry jam and yogurt. By 10:30 Vincent is repacked and we are on the road to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The day starts out fresh and clear. After a few hours of driving we cross the Mackinac Bridge

Greenwood Family Campground

31 July 2017, Monday Alger, MI We settled down to sleep shortly after 9 pm last night. O fell asleep quickly. I had seemingly just managed to fall asleep when I was awakened by a resounding thud sounding nearby. The thuds were repeated at irregular intervals. I woke O who passed me his bright flashlight. Across the road, on top of the dumpster, I could see two glowing golden eyes.

From Home to Cleveland

30 July 2017 1st Stop: Mill Creek Camping near Berlin Center, OH Departure goes smoothly this morning. After ear scratches for Lucy and hugs for Dad, we are on the road shortly after 9 am, heading west across Pennsylvania on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. After an uneventful drive we arrive at Spoonwood Brew Pub near Pittsburgh about 3:30, where we share a pierogi pizza (yes, you read that correctly) and a

More Wandering 2017 Begins

Once More Across the Continent. . . .  28 July 2017 We leave tomorrow morning after breakfast on our next cross continent expedition. O and I have been mentally packing all week: hiking gear, canoeing gear, camping gear, lots of food, warm weather clothing, cold weather clothing, maps, guide books, the list goes on and on. We successfully gathered up most items yesterday, andtoday, lo and behold, the packing goes smoothly! There

Morgantown WVa as We Head Home Again

14 May 2017, Sunday Today is Mothers’ Day. This is important only because all the breakfast staff at the lodge has been pulled to prepare for the big brunch for later this morning, leaving us early risers with a buffet of cold eggs, bacon, biscuits, pancakes, etc. I guess someone forgot to light the little flames under the dishes. Oh well. We quickly finish breakfast and walk back down to

Hidden Arch

13 May 2017, Saturday Our last day in the Red River Gorge. At least for this year. We feel we have only scratched the surface of what is here to explore. The morning is fair and cool, and we all agree a longer hike is in order for our grand finale. After breakfast we head for the Koomer Ridge Campground, a National Forest Service first come-first serve area. Our state

Gladie Education Center, Sky Bridge Arch and Whistling Arch

12 May 2017, Friday We wake early this morning. It is so humid that the inside of our tent is foggy. Other than the humidity though, we stayed dry through last night’s rain. We breakfast on our homemade “just add water” mix of oat bran raisin muffin. It turns out brown and delicious. O and I decorate our servings with fig butter. G has hers straight. As it is raining

Whittleton Arch and Princess Arch

11 May 2017, Thursday A brief shower during the night provided a gentle test for our new tent. Wglwof passed! (So named because O, stretching in the morning and peering at the upside down and inside out Marmot name printed on the tent fly, noted that the letters spell wglwof from that perspective.) We bake our breakfast of cheddar cheese-bacon jerky potato cakes. Yum! The forecast is for a 90%




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