Exploring North America

Blue Springs Campground MO

Tuesday, 10 July 2018 Blue Springs Campground in Fleming County Park MO Surprisingly, O and I sleep very well on our new sleeping platform in Vincent, despite the heat and humidity. We leave the side door open, but covered with our mesh Skeeter Beater and place our small fan atop two Useful Boxes to raise it to the level of the platform. This provides a pleasant breeze for the first

To Lincoln Trail State Park

Monday, 9 July 2018 To Lincoln Trail State Park in Marshall IL We have a great breakfast at another restaurant C found after careful on-line research. I feel as if I won’t need to eat anything else for at least a week. By 9 am we are on the road once more. Our GPS decides to act temperamental this am and refuses to turn on. I guess he gets jealous

Our 2018 Trip Begins

Sunday, 8 July 2018 First stop: Cleveland Yesterday, I baked a chocolate chip pound cake at Dad’s request. This provides two days’ breakfast for the three of us, plus two or three extra breakfasts for Dad after our departure. This morning, O and I place our final items in Vincent and scratch the ears of a very dejected looking Lucy. We exchange hugs with Dad – who, O and I

Back to Cleveland

24 October 2017, Tuesday We arrive in Cleveland to visit once more with S and C before completing our journey. We will rest here for two days before we come full circle. It is good to be back in eastern woodlands with their fall colors!

Just Driving

22-23 October, Sunday-Monday A blur of driving through Nebraska, to Illinois, and on to Indiana.

Over the Continental Divide

21 October, Saturday Over the Continental Divide We leave Grand Junction and drive into the rising sun, climbing upward into the Rockies. We encounter snow and slightly slick roads in the high passes along I-70 and then descend towards Denver where we catch I-76 towards the northeast corner of Colorado, one of the bumpiest roads we’ve ever driven!. We stop in Nebraska for the night.

Zion to Grand Junction CO

20 October 2017, Friday Zion to Grand Junction CO We are up just after 6 am. Our plan is an early breakfast at Cafe Soleil and then return to camp, strike Wglwof and get on the road eastward. Already there is a long line of RV’s and cars winding around the South Campground parking lot, waiting for the host to begin assigning campsites at 7:30. Some of them have been

Zion National Park, Lava Point

19 October 2017, Thursday Zion National Park We have finally both caught up on sleep. Last night’s temperature was a warm 50 degrees F. After cooking breakfast in camp, O works on adjusting the computer setting measuring Vincent’s tire pressure, while I get in some bird watching. A flock of cedar waxwings visits, along with mountain chickadees, red shafted flickers, ever present robins and chipping sparrows. I also confirm that

Zion National Park

18 October 2017, Wednesday Kodachrome Basin State Park to Zion National Park Colds don’t help one’s sleep, especially not when camping. O and I finally give up on more sleep at 5:15 am. Luckily, the morning is not nearly as cold as the past two mornings have been. It’s actually a bit above freezing! We pack up in the dark and head for Zion. When we arrive, there is already

Back to Bryce

17 October 2017, Tuesday Back to Bryce and Kodachrome Basin Last night was relatively balmy! The temperature only got down to -5 degrees C, about 25 degrees F. We were also better prepared for the cold with a few more layers in Wglwof. This morning we return to Clarke’s Restaurant in Tropic for breakfast and then hurry back to the visitor center at Bryce in anticipation of our “prize” for




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