Exploring North America

Point Lobos State Nature Reserve

Sunday 19 August 2018 During our visit last Thursday with Karen she suggested that we not miss Point Lobos while we are in this area. It is a California State Nature Reserve where a striking coastline with the addition of beautiful flora and opportunities to see coastal wildlife make it a must-see attraction. Initially O and I had considered stopping at Point Lobos Monday, on our way to Point Reyes.

High Peaks Trail

Saturday 18 August 2018 At 4:30 am O’s alarm sounds. It is still very dark. The stars are brilliant and the Milky Way spills across the sky. We have a small snack of Kind bars and cookies and pack up 3 liters of water each and the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches I prepared last night for today’s breakfast. We drive the road to Bear Gulch Trailhead once more. There


Friday 17 August 2018 We sleep in late this morning after our drive back from Santa Cruz. O and I finish leftover nutella pancakes accompanied by our remaining strawberries. As we retrieve all of our breakfast goodies from the van we are careful to close the door whenever we are not right in view. We were warned when we arrived yesterday that the raccoons here are quite brazen. Last night,

Hollister, Pinnacles, Santa Cruz

Thursday 16 August 2018 Breakfast is at the Cozy Cup Cafe where I have apricot stuffed French toast and O has a nutella pancake “sandwich.” Next, we catch up on laundry and with Dad. We are to meet Karen in Santa Cruz at 4, so we have just enough time to drive to Pinnacles, set up camp and then proceed to Santa Cruz. Karen has suggested ordering pizza instead of

Forest Museum and Hollister

Wednesday 15 August 2018 During the night we are suddenly awakened by a loud siren-like noise and flashing lights. It takes a few minutes for us to figure out it is Vincent’s alarm. After much fumbling in the dark we find our flashlights, car keys and shoes and tumble out of the tent. Our car keys will not work from the tent, but O finally manages to turn off the

Hart Loop in Redwood Canyon

Tuesday 14 August 2018 It is our last full day in Kings Canyon/ Sequoia National Park. We have elected to spend the day hiking a 7.25 mile loop through the most extensive stand of Sequoias still in existence. After our orange chocolate chip cake breakfast we hop in Vincent and drive about 13 miles to a single track dirt road which winds another two miles down through the forest to

Kings Canyon and Cedar Grove Overlook

Monday 13 August 2018 We’ve decided we must see Kings Canyon while we are here, especially after viewing the film at the visitor center. John Muir believed this valley rivaled Yosemite in beauty, and who are we to argue with Muir? After breakfast we drive towards Grant Village. The end of the road (appropriately called Road’s End) is about 58 miles from our campsite. Our route winds along the canyon,

Muir Grove

Sunday 12 August 2018 We had decided to do two shorter hikes today, both leaving from our campground. After breakfast (with our delicious coffee-chocolate chip ice cream coffee) we put up Vincent’s sunscreens and tidy up camp. Then we discover, after consulting the guide book and map, that the Little Baldy hike we had planned to do is twice as far as we thought if we leave from here. Since

Moro Rock and General Sherman Tree

Saturday 11 August 2018 We have decided to try out the shuttle system today. After our potato cake breakfast we drive to Grant Village on a hunt for half and half (we ran out this morning) and to get to good cell reception so I can call Dad. The little market here has only milk and artificial creamer. O and I come up with a brilliant substitution. We will buy

Sunset Loop Trail

Friday 10 August 2018 Today we hike Sunset Loop Trail. As we eat our blueberry muffins I watch some tiny chipmunks stuffing their cheeks with the flowers or fruits of a brushy plant on the edge of our campsite that is protected by long thorns. A few minutes later a covey of quail wanders in. Although I am sure they will disappear quickly, I retrieve my camera and binoculars anyway.




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