New Cast

22 July 2019

We drive back to Saint John Regional Hospital today for a clinic visit. It’s time to exchange my spikey plaster cast for a nice blue fiberglass cast. Along the way we stop in Sussex for more strawberries. I ask the nurse if I can wipe off my leg as I was knee deep in mud the day before my accident. The cast is removed revealing lovely shades of purple around my ankle and foot. The man in the next cot, who overheard my request, swears he can see little wriggly critters crawling around on my foot! After I clean up my leg my nice blue cast is applied. O and I tell the nurse we are disappointed I can’t get a cast with maple leaves on it. My next appointment is supposed to be in about 4 weeks, by which time we will be in Nova Scotia preparing to catch the ferry to Newfoundland. The orthopedist recommends I contact a local hospital there for follow-up. 

Back at Fundy Park we cook up dinner and O sets the tarp hang. It will be raining in the morning.

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