More Wandering 2017 Begins

Once More Across the Continent. . . . 

28 July 2017

We leave tomorrow morning after breakfast on our next cross continent expedition. O and I have been mentally packing all week: hiking gear, canoeing gear, camping gear, lots of food, warm weather clothing, cold weather clothing, maps, guide books, the list goes on and on. We successfully gathered up most items yesterday, and
today, lo and behold, the packing goes smoothly! There is even a bit of room left over. O jokes that we might have to go back to REI to buy more equipment.

Very Useful Boxes mid-van

We have quite a stack of Really Useful Boxes mid van variously containing breakfasts, suppers and snacks (enough to survive the apocalypse,)  clothing, guide books, maps, more food, all of which will have to be moved aside if we sleep in Vincent (Van Go.) There will be room – but O and I simultaneously have the same thought…hope we are not asleep in the van beneath towers of useful boxes in the event of an earthquake!!

From the rear: dairy crates with extra rigging, water, propane, our “kitchen” in the canvas bags, tents, tarps, spare table, jackets,…etc

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