Food, Vashon Sheep Dog Trials, and Another Visit to Tolt-MacDonald Park

5-10 June 2019

Wednesday and Thursday are quiet days, perfect for enjoying each other’s company, polishing blogs and eating home-cooked soup and made-from-scratch pizza. On Friday we are introduced to Mox Boarding House, a combination restaurant and board game shop. It’s great fun! On entering we select our table and sit down. It’s a good thing we arrived early this Friday evening. S tells us that on some evenings they have had to wait almost two hours for a spot! After ordering beer and food, S goes to the board game section and selects two games for us to play as we await our meal. Other patrons have elaborate games spread on their tables as they compete while enjoying their dinners. We finish one introductory game and then begin the next. Our meals arrive and are delicious. We finish up the second game and our beers after dinner and return home. As we leave Mox we note that every table is full.

Watching the border collies compete

On Saturday we are up early to catch a ferry to Vashon Island to watch the Vashon Sheep Dog Trials. The sun is shining brightly as we sit on a hillside with many other dog lovers. There are vendors of all sorts shaded in white tents, and enticing smells emanate from food trucks. Zephy attracts many admirers as we walk through the crowd. There are frequent requests from children asking to pet her as we pass by.

around the post
thru the panels
into the pen
The sheep get a coffee break while the pipers play.

We are amazed by the skill of the competing border collies and their handlers as the dogs herd four often unruly sheep through a long course and back to a pen, the dog guided only by the handler’s whistles. We return home in late afternoon.

Zephy is exhausted after watching all that herding.
Sticky buns fresh out of the oven

On Sunday after a breakfast of S’s signature sticky buns we take advantage of yet another sunny day to return to Tolt-MacDonald Park, this time to walk along the Snoqualmie River, one of Zephy’s favorite places. Then it’s back home again for baked beans and corn bread and an early bedtime as we have to be up at 4:30 am in order to get to the airport for our flight home. Our ten day visit has flown by far too fast!

Zephy is waiting for one of us to throw a rock in the water so she can chase the splash.

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