Back to Fundy National Park

20 July 2019 Saturday

My last round of Barb’s fluffy blueberry pancakes. . . at least until next year. Barb, Mike and Melyssa wish us safe travels and hope we will return. They have enjoyed our visit almost as much as we have. O and I are soon on the road to Sussex where we pick up car camping groceries and stop at Walmart for an extra pillow for my leg and a fleece blanket since I left our gray one at home. For now, the blanket will provide extra elevation for my ankle, but I have a feeling we will be needing it as a blanket later in our trip. We stop once more at Sully’s while we are in Sussex, this time for chocolate milkshakes. It is 32.5 degrees C, very hot for Canada. One little boy is overheard while leaving the supermarket saying, “This is the hottest day of my life!” 

View of the Bay from the lookout as we enter Fundy National Park
M enjoys the first car camping dinner.

O and I now head for Fundy National Park. Once we near the coast we are back to a comfortable 25 C. We stop at the park visitor center and then proceed to Point Wolfe Campground. The warden at the entry kiosk remembers us and just rolls her eyes when I tell her about my mishap. Tonight we will sleep in Vincent since we are moving to the shadier site across the road tomorrow. We enjoy our first car camping meal and drive out Point Wolfe road through a covered bridge at the entrance to the campground seeking a concert at the Chignecto Pavilion. The music, however, is not the sort we enjoy so we return to camp and clear off the sleeping platform. Vincent is in need of some serious reorganizing tomorrow!

Tidal inlet near Point Wolfe
The covered bridge at Point Wolfe

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