Newfoundland Ferry

20 August 2019, Tuesday

We breakfast early at our hotel, Cambridge Suites, and then drive 20 minutes to North Sydney to board the ferry for Newfoundland. Everything goes smoothly. Vincent is slightly over car length, (I was told to sign up as a car when I called Marine Atlantic before making my reservation) but the woman at the check in kiosk lets us through. She asks us to ensure our propane tank is off and gives us a tag to place around the valve. O and I have reserved seats on level 9. We are facing aft and in the first row by the windows. It seemed like a good idea when I booked the tickets, but when heading north to Channel-Port aux Basques these seats are in the sun for the entire trip. It can get pretty toasty, although snoozing in the sun for awhile felt very good. The seats recline and are quite comfortable.

Waiting to board the Highlander
Into the maw!

Mid-afternoon we snack on our sandwiches from Sydney and purchase soft serve chocolate ice cream for dessert. We arrive in Channel-Port aux Basques right on time, Newfoundland time that is. We are now an additional thirty minutes ahead of eastern daylight savings time. It is 6:15 instead of 5:45. We drive to St. Christophers Hotel, about five minutes from the Ferry and share a celebratory Breton Brewing Co Red Coat Irish Red Ale. 

We enter the harbour at Channel-Port aux Basques
Harbour view from our hotel parking lot

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