Cheticamp – town and campground

11 August 2019, Sunday

We watch rain showers alternate with bright sunshine as we eat our Aucoin Bakery cherry pie. Then it’s off to town for laundry and a few groceries. Ah – but it’s Sunday and no stores are open in this little Acadian town. Instead O and I drive the Back Road that goes up into the hills behind Cheticamp and passes by an old gypsum mine. Then, after a phone call with S, we seek out the Salmon River trail which the warden suggested I might be able to negotiate on crutches. I make it a little ways up the trail to a pretty pool and then we decide to turn around.

Enough of a salmon pool for me!
O is looking for interesting rocks again.

I know every hill I go over I will have to climb again with my crutches. I pause on the way back to Vincent to watch a flock of chickadees in the trees near the trail. As I turn to resume our “hike” O mentions that the warden reported some bear cubs had been seen on this trail. O has just glimpsed one while I was watching the birds. Of course a cub sighting means mama bear is nearby as well. Luckily the cub climbed away from the trail and up into the woods. O and I start calling “Hey, bear!” and singing silly songs as he walks and I hobble back up the trail.

We enjoy a peaceful dinner back at camp with a very Canadian chocolate bar for dessert. Most of our neighbors are still out exploring. Another deluge after dinner cuts short transferring photos to the computer. Bed time!

Great name for a Canadian milk chocolate and maple cream bar that we acquired at the Mabou Farmers Market.

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