To Goose Creek’s tidal crossing

15 July 2019, Monday

Morning at Rose Creek. Martins Head is that little bump on the distant horizon.

We are moving quite slowly today. After breakfast and gleaning some trail info from the Nova Scotians camped at Rose Brook we move on. O’s knee twinges with every downhill step he takes. We cover a bit over 5 km to arrive at Goose Creek two hours before low tide. It is 4 pm. Altogether it took us 7 hours to get here. On one of the ridge tops we startled a deer who bugled as he ran off.

Steep slopes and white blazes on the Fundy Footpath
Goose Creek crossing at low tide. The crossing starts off with a firm rocky base and gets mucky in the grasses on the opposite side. The campsite is down near the point on the opposite side of the crossing.
The Centurion guards Goose Creek in the evening sun.
We are getting closer to Martins Head at Goose Creek camp.
Looking upstream at Goose Creek at low tide.

Crossing Goose Creek just before low tide makes for quite mucky walking. At times I almost lose my sandal in the mud. The Goose Creek campsite is pretty spacious, which is a good thing as this appears to be a popular stopping place for everyone who was awaiting today’s 6 pm low tide in order to cross. By evening there are 5 tents set up here. In addition, a French speaking family hiking with three or four little kids passes through. They are traveling on to Brandy Brook, 2 km further on. As they hike through the father sees O and me and says, “Oh, you must be the Pennsylvanians. Diane told us to look out for you.”

O and I will see how we do tomorrow. Our food bags are getting lighter so I will carry both to lighten O’s pack. 

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