Intro to the Fundy Trail Parkway

2 July 2019, Friday: The sky is quite dark and gray this morning as we enjoy our blueberry pancakes at Salmon River B&B. After breakfast we find the beginning of the Fundy Trail Parkway, only 0.2 miles from our B&B. Nine kilometers down this road is the entrance kiosk for the parkway – $8.50 per senior to drive the scenic route. The interpretive center is another ten km along the winding way. Even with rain and clouds the views are stunning. We can just make out the Nova Scotia shoreline across the bay. 

Interpretive Center along the Fundy Trail Parkway

At the interpretive center we register for our hike, providing our planned itinerary with entry and exit date and an emergency contact. We also chat with a young woman who hiked the entire footpath 2 years ago. We receive a card with our exit date written on it to place on Vincent’s dashboard so the maintenance workers know whether to tell the interpretive center folks to send out a search party.

The suspension bridge across the Salmon River
The Salmon River looking downstream. Tide is out.

O and I walk over to see the suspension bridge across the Salmon River where we will end our hike. It is now raining in earnest. We return to St. Martins, planning a future drive along the parkway in more inviting weather. We find a source of breakfast pastries for Sunday morning’s breakfast at the St. Martins Irving gas station and then talk to Barb back at the B&B to arrange for a takeout dinner for Saturday night. She can certainly provide that she says with a smile. Bringing these two meals along for the start of our hike at Fundy National Park will save us having to carry an extra fuel canister on the trail. 

The remainder of the afternoon and evening is spent at the B&B relaxing indoors and enjoying the sound of the wind and the weather whipping up the bay.

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