Walks, Logs, Henry Art Museum

6 October 2016, Thursday

We are considering a longer  hike today, but by the time we finish lazing around, the morning has passed and it is early afternoon. We drive to Bellevue to visit the new REI store there and then make our way to Resonate, a local brewpub. The menu here is limited, but the flatbread pizza, made with local ingredients, is very good, as is our flight of beers. We return home to await S and K’s return once again.

7 October 2016, Friday

O catches up his log this morning while I put the finishing touches on plans for our homeward trip. When K returns in early afternoon the three of us walk along the Sammamish River spying many ducks, several jumping fish, a flicker, a kestrel, unidentified LBB’s (little brown birds) and a flock of cedar waxwings. Then it’s back home for left-over mushroom pie, with depression brownies and ice cream for dessert.

8 October 2016, Saturday

It’s our last full day with S and K. No hikes today… it’s too rainy. We drive to Seattle where we visit the Henry Art Museum and then have an early dinner at the Elliot Bay Public House and Brewery. Once again we find good food and good beer.

Back at the apartment I bake another batch of depression brownies to take on the road with us and S prepares his signature breakfast – sticky buns – for our pre-departure meal tomorrow morning. It’s been quite a delightful ten day stay, especially so not having had to pack up and move for so long a time! Despite the appeal of sitting still for awhile, O and I are both ready to resume our explorations as we begin our trip eastward.

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