On to Bend OR

9 October 2016, Sunday

The famous sticky buns

S bakes his sticky buns for our departure breakfast. We carefully gather up our gear and food supplies that somehow have gotten scattered all around the apartment. Soon Jazz is repacked and we are heading south towards Oregon. After we cross the Columbia River we turn east and cross the Cascades near Mt. Hood driving through rain, clouds and fog. On the other side we arrive in high mountain desert much like the east side of the mountains in Washington.

High desert in Oregon

Here we turn south and drive through golden grass and deep green pines. Along the way I am fretting over which of the five highly rated brew pubs in Bend we should visit for our dinner during our one night stay. In the end the decision is easy. We choose The Crux Fermentation Project because it is less than a mile walk from the little Holiday Motel where we are staying for the night. Crux has an eclectic collection of craft brews, so we choose a flight of six to taste. Once again we enjoy them all.

At Crux Fermentation Project

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