Lake Louise Campground Again

11 September 2016, Sunday

We leave our B&B and stop at the laundromat in Golden. We wait patiently for the 34 minutes it takes the washing machine to cycle through. When we remove our clothes they are slightly damp and just as dirty as when we placed them in the machine. We decide to just pack them damp and head to Lake Louise.

Today is cloudy, but at least it is not raining. We stop at Laggan’s bakery for lunch and then register at the Lake Louise campground. It takes most of the afternoon to set up camp and sort our backpacking gear from our day hiking gear, but the job gets done and still no rain! We are referred to the Lake Louise Inn for laundry facilities. This time our quest for clean clothes is successful.

Back at camp we cook dinner as the temperature drops. After so many days away from car camping we have to relearn all of our routines. There is decent cell reception here and we catch up with S&K.  The dishwashing station here has hot running water!! What luxury.

Soon we are ready for bed. It is a good night for our supplemental fleece blanket as the thermometer will again dip below zero. We have plans to meet our hiking buddy, Mike, tomorrow at the Lake Louise visitor center. We are hoping for more sunshine!

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