Visiting Washington

Another prelude to our summer travels

1 June 2019: Since we will not be driving across the continent this summer, instead visiting the Atlantic Provinces and Newfoundland and Labrador, we have arranged a trip out to Bellevue, Washington to visit S and K. Our flight from the Philadelphia Airport on Alaska Airlines goes quite smoothly. Today, June 1, is our first full day here. True to form when we visit, the weather in the greater Seattle area is warm and sunny. After a breakfast of lovely pastries from the French Bakery, S drives us up towards Carnation where we enjoy an easy hike at Tolt-MacDonald Park. After crossing the footbridge across the Snoqualmie River, we climb up through amazingly green forest to a ridge which has been recently logged. The circuit through the logged area is sunny with views of the distant Cascades and occasional glimpses of Mt. Rainier. Although it is disappointing to see the loss of trees, the open brush allows for wildflower and bird sightings. We pass “Stinky Bob,” buttercups, foxglove and other flowers. I photograph a white crowned sparrow in song and a Bewick’s wren. We also spy robins, swallows, juncos and other birds. Then, back to Bellevue for dinner at the Bellevue Brewing Company where we sample the English Special Ale on nitro, the Scottish Ale and the Oatmeal Stout, also on nitro. It’s a wonderful and relaxing day.

A view of the distant Cascades from the ridge at Tolt-MacDonald Park
White Crowned sparrow sings his heart out!
Bewick’s wren

2 June 2019: After a breakfast of homemade blueberry pancakes we return to Mercer Slough for a sunny walk. Then it’s home for a dinner of wild caught salmon, quinoa salad, and oven roasted potatoes.

Horsetail at Mercer Slough

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