On to Badlands National Park

26 August 2015, Wednesday

On the trail again. We are up and back in Jazz, aiming for breakfast in
Sioux Falls, SD.The skies look a bit threatening, but the forecast is
for only scattered showers today with a front passing through
tonight. The chosen restaurant for breakfast, which advertises
“brunch all day, doesn’t open until 11 am. We arrive in town at 8
am. We are directed to a nearby diner by a young woman in a coffee
shop. Great recommendation – Phillips Avenue Diner. O has whiskey
marinated Granny Smith apple-bacon-pecan waffles. I have blueberry
pancakes. The coffee is great. We return to the coffee shop to get
two giant chocolate chip cookies for lunch later.

Back on the road we see signs for the Akta Lakota Museum. We stop in for a
break from driving. It is a worthwhile side-trip.

We continue our drive across the plains at 80 mph, the legal speed
limit. It’s not doing much for our gas mileage, but it sure gets us
places fast. We turn off Route 90 onto Rt 240 and head towards Badlands
National Park. All of a sudden there is a dramatic change in the land.  There are sharp, layered peaks that look like an immensely scaled up version of
an elaborate complex of sandcastles after the tide has begun to do
its work. The sharp pinnacles and strange formations go on for miles
with interspersed plains. It’s an accelerated view of the
effects of wind and water on former ocean bottom.

Badlands National Park

We secure campsite #25 in the Agate Loop of the Cedar Pass campground.
There is a mix of small tents like ours, large tents, and RV’s of all
sizes, including what we have come to call a “Mike-mobile,” an RV mansion, parked
across from us. We are all camped in a great circle. This must be a
modern version of circling the Conestoga wagons. The rather hot day
has cooled to a pleasant breezy evening. Our tent, wet from morning
dew, is dry within 5 minutes. There is a 40% chance of thunderstorms

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