Another Lazy Day

5 September 2015, Saturday

It rained steadily all night long. It’s actually quite pleasant lying in
the tent snug and warm and listening to the rain on the fly. We did
not have any snow in the campground, but there is new snow on the
tops of the mountains surrounding our camp. O’s thermometer reads 5
degrees C at 8 am this morning. We are cooking up a huge pot of
oatmeal with brown sugar, cardamom, milk and dried cherries. It’s
nice to be able to use the Kelly Kettle to quickly heat up water,
also very nice having warm water to wash dishes.

The snow line is creeping down the mountains

After breakfast we head back to the St. Mary visitor center. Ittai is at
the desk. We say hi. The visitor center has a welcome film and a very
interesting museum which tells some of the stories explaining how the
various Native American tribes of this area view their relationship
to the land and to the wildlife here. It is a worthwhile visit, but I
am still unable to connect to wi-fi. My blog will have to wait.

Back at camp we cook up a hot batch of peanut butter spaghetti. Then we go
back down Many Glacier Road for Verizon reception so we can check in
with family. We finish catching up and check the weather for the
upcoming week. It is looking promising for warmer and sunnier days.
Maybe we’ll get in some back country camping after all.

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