Spring 2016 Explore Begins

More Wandering 2016

26 April 2016, Tuesday

Today what is referred to as the “Acela Primary” is taking place. Grandpa has gotten several calls requesting his vote for Donald!?  Per our
travel plan, we have breakfast and all go off to vote together. We
then return home, finish packing a much less cluttered than last year
car, and try to reassure a very dejected Lucy that we will, indeed,
return. We can easily see out our rear window this year and have
fewer boxes. We do not need the Yeti cooler on this trip, or the water cooler. We
have 11 nalgene bottles in a milk crate for our water supply.

After a traffic jam just south of Philly we finally arrive at REI for a quick
stop and then head down the eastern shore of Maryland. It is an unseasonably warm
87 degrees F. In Onley, VA we stop for a very pleasant dinner on an
outdoor deck at the Mallard Restaurant. The wharf is in the village
of Onancock. It is a lovely evening for sweet and spicy salmon, with
jasmine rice or garlic mashed potatoes accompanied by a cool glass of

We stop for the evening at a rather run down roadside motel. The room is a
bit shabby, but all we need is a place to sleep. We save the crossing
of the Chesapeake Bay-Bridge tunnel for the morning. O will drive so
I can enjoy the scenery. We will have about 350 miles to go tomorrow to the
V’s new South Carolina abode.

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