Homeward Bound

22 May 2016 Sunday

We leave Mammoth Cave just after 7 am. Breakfast is planned at Toast
on Main in Louisville. Delicious!  Bread pudding pancakes with rum
raisin and vanilla sauce for me and gingerbread pancakes with peach
topping for O. As we leave, the host laughingly comments that he heard rumors
they almost instigated  a divorce because we were were allegedly
arguing about whose breakfast was best. I smile and tell him I think we can
work it out, especially with our anniversary coming up.

Onward we go, arriving just south of Pittsburgh at Spoonwood Brew Pub, just
in time for an early dinner. Travel days seem to be punctuated with
yummy meals. What did we do before electronic devices that allow us
to search for good food? We stop for the night in Somerset, PA after
driving over 500 miles.

23 May 2016, Monday

Home again, home again.  We breakfast at Summit Diner and have an easy drive the
rest of the way. Now it is time for laundry and drying wet camping
gear. A fast four weeks and a great trip! Lucy is ecstatic and
follows us around the house all afternoon as we work on cleaning up.

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