We Leave TRNP

Tuesday 2 October 2018

to Alexandria, Minnesota, 470 miles

O’s alarm goes off at 5:30 am. I drive the first shift in the dark down route 85 to I-94, then O takes over. The sun is not really up until well after 7. By now we are stopped for breakfast in Dickinson, ND which turns out to be a good thing. We are off the road just when the sun would have been directly in our eyes as we continued eastward.

After breakfast we drive into banks of mist and fog. Most of the day is cool, grey and cloudy. We finally arrive in Alexandria, check into our motel and go straight to dinner. We are both afraid if we shower and get too relaxed before dinner we won’t have the energy to go back out. As we leave Pike and Pint, the restaurant, we have to push extra hard to open the door against the cool wind. We are both chilly. Right behind us two Minnesotans are leaving. We hear one say to the other, “Oh, it’s warming up!” O and I both chuckle as we climb back into Vincent.

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