September 16-20 in Bellevue

Sunday 16 September 2018

O and I wake to the sound of a hard rain falling on the roof. Once again we are quite happy to be warm and dry! Breakfast is a (relatively) fresh peach pie that we picked up at the Olympia farmers market yesterday. We laze around for most of the day and venture out to Bellevue Brewing Co. for dinner. They have a great selection of malty beers!

Monday 17 September 2018

S and K return to work today. O and I continue to relax, although we drive to REI to purchase some Nikwax products so we can clean up our muddy rain gear. We also buy 2 packs of the guacamole mix that Jenn introduced us to on our backpack trip. I ready some peanut butter pasta with fresh veggies for dinner.

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Another lazy day. I spend much of my time in the kitchen. A butternut squash is baked for our break-the-fast squash pancakes at the end of Yom Kippur tomorrow evening. The remainder of the giant squash will become soup. I also clean and freshen up some turnip greens which will be sauteed as an accompaniment to supper tonight. Since we appear to have a surplus of potatoes I prepare a vegetarian shepherds pie – also known as a cottage pie – for tonight’s dinner.

Wednesday 19 September 2018

It is Yom Kippur. S, O and I spend the morning quietly at home. S and I go for a nice sunny walk midday. In the afternoon the three of us attend open to the public services at Temple De Hirsch Sinai here in Bellevue. We especially enjoy the Ne’illah service. The last Tekiah Gedolah on a giant shofar is one of the best I have heard.

We return home and await K’s return from work. Together we enjoy our usual break-the-fast pancakes featuring butternut squash, whole wheat flour, buttermilk, brown rice, allspice, ginger, and maple syrup.

Thursday 20 September 2018

My blog is almost caught up. This afternoon I use the rest of the butternut squash to prepare a substantial soup for tonight’s dinner.

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