To Cleveland, then Home Again

Thursday 4 October – Monday 8 October 2018

October 4: O and I are up fairly early. We forego the Super 8 breakfast and drive south for a bit over an hour, finally stopping for breakfast at the Eggsclusive Cafe in Rockford, Illinois. After breakfast we move our watches forward another hour, so that we are back on the road at 11 am eastern time. Again our drive is uneventful. We stop for dinner at the Maumee Brewing Co. in Toledo, Ohio. Our waiter has only been on the job for a month and admits he is not much of a beer drinker. O fills him in on some beer lore and history. It’s a delightful dinner, and the beer and food are quite tasty. We finally arrive at S and C’s by about 10 pm, very glad to be done with today’s well over 500 mile drive.

October 5: After homemade cinnamon-cardamom buns, courtesy of C, we go off produce shopping for our greatly anticipated home-cooked supper later today. We catch up with each other and relax.

October 6: We go out for breakfast, visit Trader Joes, a local spice shop called Penzey’s, and LL Bean before heading home. O and I entertain S and C with travel stories and photos. The final outing of the day is to the local custard shop for dessert before bedtime.

October 7, our last day in Cleveland… a nice walk in a local park… a pleasant final day with S and C, at least until we see them again at Thanksgiving!

October 8, Home again!

We are on the road after breakfast. It is a smooth drive across Pennsylvania to our home brew pub, Iron Hill, North Wales, and then it’s back home to Dad and Lucy, both of whom are very glad to see us (as we are to see them!)

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