Back to Missoula

8 September 2015, Tuesday

It’s cold, breezy and cloudy this morning. I was hoping for a little more
warmth and sunshine for our last breakfast here, but I guess the
weather is part of what makes this Glacier National Park. As we are
preparing breakfast some people stop by and ask if we are leaving.
They like our campsite. We let them put their tag on our campsite
post and give them recommendations for day hikes.

We are packed up and in the car shortly after 10 am. We decide to take Route
2 back across the Continental Divide as we are not sure if Going to
the Sun Road is open yet. Besides, I don’t relish the idea of driving
that stretch of highway if there is any chance of slush or ice. Route
2 turns out to be another beautiful drive. In a few places we can see
patches of burned trees on the slopes, but for the most part the view
is of steep, densely forested mountainsides. It seems incredible that
trees can grow on anything so steep.

We arrive back in Missoula a bit after 3 pm. We sign back into the Motel
6 with the good internet connection. Jazz is overdue for an oil
change so we will try to get that done tomorrow morning before we leave. We check the
weather report and find that Yellowstone is in for a week of warm,
sunny weather. Sounds good to us!! We will most likely head there
after we leave Missoula with hope that summer crowds will be
diminishing. We continue to consider our options.

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