Asheville to Cosby Campground

8 May 2016, Sunday

We are up early this morning and busy. We leave our room quickly to return to
Sunny Point Cafe. They open at 8 and we guess they will be busy since
it is Mother’s Day. We arrive at 7:44 am, the first car in the
parking lot. The lot is full within 5 minutes of our arrival. We are
seated promptly and enjoy another delicious breakfast; carrot cake
pancakes for me with cardamon cream cheese, and sweet potato waffles
for O with pecan butter.

Back at the motel I work on uploading my blog while O washes and stems grapes
and repacks Jazz. We are on the road at 11 am. The drive up I-40
through the mountains of Tennessee is beautiful. We make one wrong turn on the way
to Cosby Campground, but we retrace our route and arrive at our site
shortly after 2 pm. Camp is soon set up, and we head off to Smoky
Mountain Brewery for an early dinner.

Back at camp once again we stroll around the campground and stop to chat with
a very happy Sprinter owner named Mike. He refers us to for do-it-yourself Sprinter info.

Dusk deepens, another day gone by.

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