
6 September 2016, Tuesday

We awake this morning clean and refreshed. After a breakfast of blueberry pancakes, we say goodby to our Rose Cottage hosts and head for Irvin’s Campground to do our laundry. The time it takes to launder everything is just the right amount of time to reorganize our other camping gear and pack three days of meals and snacks for our Lake O’Hara trip in Yoho national park. We are soon heading back across the continental divide and down Icefields Parkway. This time we split the 220 km drive down Icefields so we can have equal turns driving and gawking. Once again we marvel at the fact that this entire valley was filled with ice and snow not so many thousands of years ago.

A view along Icefields Parkway

Sunshine turns to clouds and showers as we drive south and then west towards Golden. We are back on mountain time now. We find the Country Comfort B&B without difficulty, check in, and then find dinner at a restaurant down the street called 1122. The rest of our packing goes almost too smoothly. We are wondering what we forgot.

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