On to Springfield, Missouri

30 October 2015, Friday

Our plan today, as we could not get a campsite at Devils Den, is to pack
up, hike more of the park and then travel to Springfield, MO for the
night. We have a lovely hike as the weather clouds in. It drizzles a
bit as we walk. I think tonight’s campers are in for some rain. All
of the campsites here are booked for the special Halloween weekend

On the trail
Yellow Rock Overlook at Devil’s Den

Before we leave the park, O stops in again at the visitor center. He wants
to tell the people there what a good visit we had and how much we
appreciate the fact that tent campers are in a different area from RV
campers. As we are leaving, he points out to the woman at the desk
that he noticed the bars across the cave entrance at Devils Den. She
nods knowingly. Many people have commented on the park’s efforts to
protect the bats, but O continues, “those bars across the cave
entrance…they’re never gonna keep the Devil in!” The woman
gives a surprised chuckle and says that’s the first time she’s heard
that comment.

We continue our journey north and east. In Springfield we find yet
another good brewpub. It’s cold and rainy tonight and we are both
glad to have an indoor bathroom.

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