From Home to Cleveland

30 July 2017

1st Stop: Mill Creek Camping near Berlin Center, OH

Departure goes smoothly this morning. After ear scratches for Lucy and hugs for Dad, we are on the road shortly after 9 am, heading west across Pennsylvania on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. After an uneventful drive we arrive at Spoonwood Brew Pub near Pittsburgh about 3:30, where we share a pierogi pizza (yes, you read that correctly) and a salad for an early supper and enjoy a Black More IPA (not too hoppy…just right.) We sit and enjoy the afternoon sun and perfect weather on the patio at the Brew Pub and, after awhile, we are ready to complete the day’s drive to Mill Creek Camping on Berlin Lake in Ohio. This is an Army Corp of Engineers campground so our geezer pass is valid. Because of renovations on the waste water treatment facilities here all of the restrooms are closed. However, we do have porta-potties and potable water. The beautiful campground is almost empty. We almost feel guilty about the exorbitant $7.50 camping fee. We easily rearrange boxes so there is room in Vincent for sleeping.

Berlin Lake
Vincent at Mill Creek Camp, Skeeter Beater in place.

Time now for journaling and bed.

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