Green River, Day 4

29 September 2017, Friday

Morning camp

The night is clear and cool. When we wake this morning everything is more wet from dew than from the previous night’s rain. Scrambled eggs, potatoes and sausage are our breakfast. Once again we are all packed and on the river before 10. We stop a few miles into today’s paddle to hike up a steep ridge to a saddle.

Climbing up the saddle

From the top we can see both sides of a 7 mile meander that leaves us less than ½ mile as the crow flies from where we began. I am disappointed on the ridgetop to to discover that my good camera’s battery has died. Luckily, I have my little waterproof camera for back-up, and there is always my i-phone tucked away in my duffel.

M and O on the saddle, Green River below

Our trip proceeds through the red-walled canyon with a brilliant blue sky above. It is a perfect paddling day. Before 4 pm we arrive at our evening campsite. There is time to clean up a bit and relax before dinner. This evening is Kol Nidre. I will not be fasting as it is a long paddle out tomorrow, but what a beautiful place to contemplate the end of the High Holy Days.

Evening camp

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