Redmond to Pendleton OR

29 September, 2015,  Tuesday

We eat some of our pastries for breakfast today and save some for
tomorrow. After breakfast S & K help us reload the car. Even
after two weeks, we remember how to fit everything in. We are on the
road by 11:30 am. Soon we are on I-90 driving over the Cascade
Mountains. Only a few days ago we could see these jagged peaks as a
distant shadow against the sky from the Olympics.

We arrive back in Ellensburg and get two chocolate shakes made with
Holstein Thunder rich chocolate ice cream and two shots of espresso.
Woo hoo!! That keeps us awake on the road. We also get a five pound
bag of new season Honey Crisp apples and a large box of Bosc pears – all for about $10.

We stop for the evening in Pendleton, OR at the Rugged Country Lodge.
It’s very nice and sure beats Motel 6.  Dinner is at Prodigal Son
Brewery and Pub. Great beer and great food!

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