Butchart Gardens

28 September 2016, Wednesday

We cannot resist another trip to Jam since yesterday’s breakfast was so good. O orders a waffle with blueberry topping. I have buttery pan fried oatmeal with lemon curd and blueberry topping. After breakfast we waddle back to James Bay Inn and then proceed to Butchart Gardens. The gardens are beautiful and colorful, reminding us of a smaller Longwood, but without the greenhouse. Unfortunately we arrive just after some buses from a cruise ship. It’s OK though. We have plenty of time to wait for the crowd to play through.

At Butchart Gardens
The gardens are on the site of a former limestone quarry.
Dragon fountain at Butchart Gardens

After our visit we return to the James Bay Inn and catch up with G via phone. By now, it is time to make our way to the pie shop to pick up tomorrow’s treats. On the way, we stop at Swan Pub to sample some of their beers. Although the flight is tasty, we decide to return to Canoe Brewing for a final pint of their ESB at dinner time. But first, the pies. We arrive at the pie shop and our pies are brought out immediately. They are still quite hot. It is hard not to sample them on the spot, but we manage to control ourselves. We make it to Canoe Pub for supper and then follow our usual routine of stopping at the ice cream shop for more ganache-covered delights.

And now…back to our Inn. Hard to believe it is our last night in Canada! The pies are safely cooling in Jazz, along with two different types of sipping chocolate and a single source Cuban chocolate bar, all impulse purchases at the market at which we purchased our pies. The chocolate purveyor assures us it is OK to bring Cuban chocolate back into the US, just not Cuban cigars.

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