Grand Canyon Prep

28 September 2015, Monday

Today is a Grand Canyon organizational day. First, we go off to buy
pastries for our final breakfast with S &K. We also get
ingredients for tonight’s home-cooked beef stew.

Back at the apartment I select five dehydrated breakfasts and five suppers
for our trip. Then we begin packing snacks for the trail and for lunch.
O & I figure we need about 7.7 kg of food total for the Grand
Canyon hike.  Once the food is packed and organized we begin going
through our gear. So far, the weather looks great. If the forecast
stays like this we can cut down on weight by leaving some rain gear

It’s dinner time by the time we are finished organizing. Everything tastes
great. We have four more of K’s home-cooked brownies for dessert. We
had taken them out of our hiking rations because we were over our
weight limit.

I spend the evening uploading my blog which S helps to proof-read.  He
also contributes some of his photos. That done, we try for a good
night’s sleep before our drive tomorrow. It’s almost 1400 miles to
the south rim of Grand Canyon.

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