South Carolina

27-29 April 2016

We cross
the Bay Bridge-Tunnel and stop at Starbucks for coffee to accompany our Passover
blueberry-apple cake and yogurt. Our drive is uneventful. We have a
lovely visit Wednesday, Thursday and Friday with D, enjoying long
conversations into the night about life, the universe and everything.
On Thursday O and I drive into Myrtle Beach and down to a state park
where we do some walking and spy a rather large red-bellied
water snake at the edge of a pond. We return to Longs for dinner at
the Parson’s Table, a nearby restaurant.

Friday O & I drive to Charleston after a brief detour to North
Charleston to find a Subaru dealer where we can restock our supply of
reserve synthetic oil for Jazz. We then find our way to the Wild
Flour Bakery where we purchase lots of yummy pastries for our next
two breakfasts and some brownies for emergency rations. We drive further
into Charleston and find a parking garage. I drive into the
low-roofed garage confidently, forgetting that we have our sky box on
top of the car. Maximum clearance is 6’8”. We barely scrape under
the concrete supports, but we do not hear any major cracking noises.
We assume the sky box is still intact.

S.N.O.B. (Slightly North of Broad)

wandering about Charleston, we have dinner at SNOB (slightly north of
broad) and then return to DV’s house for more late night
conversation. I finally get to bed around 2 AM.

O and I
have decided that the first floor of the V’s new house might be an ideal
design for an eventual retirement home. SC is too hot and humid for
us though.

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