On to Cuyahoga Valley NP

25 October 2016, Tuesday

We are up at sunrise this morning and get to the washrooms before they are closed. Our tent is dry as we pack it for the last time. Breakfast is in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin at a restaurant called Huckleberry’s. We drive… to Notre Dame, Indiana, back to the eastern time zone. Dinner is at Evil Czech Brewery and is very good. We decide to stop here for the night since we lost an hour today on our journey eastward. It’s on to Cuyahoga Valley National Park tomorrow.

26 October 2016, Wednesday

We drive through rain to Great Lakes Brew Pub in Cleveland and enjoy their excellent food, along with a taster of five different brews. It is difficult to pick a favorite. They are all good. We “camp” for the night at a motel near Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Rain is forecast again for tomorrow so our visit will likely be brief as we drive on towards Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. We plan to attend a John McCutcheon and Tom Paxton concert there Friday night in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Godfrey Daniels Coffee House. What better way to conclude our 11,500 mile journey? We return home on Saturday.

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