Two Ocean Lake

26 August 2017, Saturday

Grand Teton NP

After a lovely early morning breakfast of blueberry pancakes we drive to the Two Ocean Lake trailhead. The plateau to the east above the lake actually feeds water to rivers flowing both to the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean, but Two Ocean Lake really only sends water to the Pacific. On the drive up to the trailhead, we see one elk off in the meadow.

M hiking near Two Ocean Lake, Tetons in the background

We start off counter clockwise around the lake and walk through aspen and lodgepole pine forest and broad meadows. Ahead of us we have views of the Teton range. At the western end of the lake we meet the Grand View trailhead and take the steep path up to the lookout. From the summit, at 7594 feet, we have views of the Tetons to the west and of Two Ocean Lake and Emma Matilda Lake to the east.

Two Ocean Lake and Emma Matilda Lake from Grand View
Tetons from Grand View

We eat lunch and read a bit about the geology of the area as we gaze westward. There is a fault that lies along the eastern edge of the Tetons. The valley to the east, Jackson Hole, continues to sink to this day. Pressure from the sinking valley pushes magma up under the mountains. The mountains are rising approximately 1 inch for every 3-4 inches the valley sinks. Because of this movement, Fish Creek, on the valley’s western edge is 15 feet lower than the Snake River. The Army Corp of Engineers built a series of dikes in the 1950’s along the Snake River to keep it from flowing into Fish Creek north of where it currently meets the stream, preventing erosion of pastureland in the valley.

From Grand View we descend and continue our hike around Two Ocean Lake. The southern part of the route climbs above the lake, winding through beautiful forests and meadows. We return to camp tired and hungry after our 8.6 mile expedition and inhale a gnocchi and salmon stew with a smoked salmon sauce. It is very good! We chat some more with our friendly neighbors across the road and then turn in for the night.

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