We leave Lake Superior

24 August, Monday

We’re up at 6 am. Although we again slept well, we were awakened by the
flapping of the tarp in the 35 mph gusts. We’ve gone from using air
conditioning in the car to getting warm jackets down from the skybox
over the course of just two days.

We have our breakfast – today the coffee cools off too quickly – then
head back to Grand Marais after packing everything up. We plan to
stop at the Java Moose again and check the computer for camping spots
in SW Minnesota. As we drive down the hill, we note that Superior is
once again gray and stormy. O is convinced someone has drained out
the blue water and refilled the lake with gray water. He had explained his theory to the ranger at Windigo who just chuckled, shook her head and muttered something about so much for the 90 year turnover time for water in Lake Superior. Or was it 900 years?  I’ll
have to look that up when we get home.

While we are poring over our maps, a young couple at the next table overhears
our discussion. They have camped at Blue Mounds State Park in SW Minnesota and inform
us it is beautiful. Our destination decided, we hit the road. We have
over 450 mi to go and it is after 11 am. We will be arriving in the
dark so we decide to stop for dinner in Mankato, Minn along the way.

We arrive at the park about 9:30, select campsite 53, and are in bed by
11 pm.

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