Tofino and the Bog Trail

23 September 2016, Friday

Rain all night. By the time we emerge from the tent it has largely stopped, but the picnic table beneath the tarp is soaked. The rain must have been blowing right under the tarp. We collect our ‘kitchen’ from the car and return to our soggy picnic table to cook up a yummy batch of raisin pancakes.

Tofino Beer

The day is misty and damp so we head to Tofino to explore its shops, restaurants, and the Tofino Brewery, where we sample a flight of the four brews on tap. The Blonde Ale is surprisingly malty and tasty. We decide to buy four large bottles of Tofino’s beers for this year’s Thanksgiving beer tasting.

Baby seagull feeding and rough surf

After a late lunch at the Schooner Restaurant we return to the park and walk the Bog trail. The sun has been shining brightly since mid-afternoon.

Golden sunset
Sky and ocean

After our bog walk we return to camp and walk down to the long beach. We wander the shore until sunset and stop to watch the sun disappear into the rough surf. We’ve chased the sun across the continent – this is as far west as we will go.

Going down!

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