Travel Prep, Agua Caliente

19-21 October 2015

Monday: We have the oil changed in Jazz before the last leg of our journey. We
stock up on more groceries. O, S and C work on door repairs in the house. I have time to peruse one of our geology books. There
is a photo in the book of Moki Dugway. I learn that the road was
originally built for trucks hauling uranium ore during the Cold War.

I am checking distances for our drive towards home. It’s a long way
across Arizona and New Mexico! We plan to stop at Chiricahua National
Monument as we travel east through Arizona. From there we will travel
to Carlsbad Caverns National Park.

Continuing our sampling of local delicacies, we have Mexican food for dinner.

Yesterday, Tuesday, was another day for relaxing, working on the house and reading.

We have had another night of rain, but this morning it is pleasantly sunny.
We are off to Agua Caliente today, a small oasis of a park in the
city of Tucson. It’s a great place for bird and lizard watching. We
see some American coots, a zebratail lizard, and what we believe to
be a juvenile Cooper’s hawk. Our homeward travel plans are firming up
as I surf the web in the afternoon. We’ll be leaving Tucson on

At Agua Caliente
Zebra tailed lizard
Coopers Hawk, we think

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