More Prep and a Seattle Visit

18 September, Friday

Today S, K, O, and I head to Bellevue early to get Ferd’s oil changed, the
true destination being Lil Jons Diner for a substantial breakfast.
Breakfast is followed by a bit more of a wait at the Subaru Dealer. O
and I actually get to read most of a newspaper for the first time
since leaving home. Nothing much has changed in the world.

We return home and wrap up all the brownies, at least the ones that
survived our quality sampling, for our trip. All told, we have 1.4 Kg
of brownies!  That should hold us for a day or two. We manage to fit
all of our food plus scented items like toothpaste and our eating and
cooking utensils into 4 bear canisters. Our food mass (mostly
dehydrated) is about 700 g/person/day. We’ll see if we go hungry.

Four filled bear canisters
Five days of food for four people

Next, we drive to the transit center to catch the bus into Seattle. We
visit the wooden boat museum and then head to Poppy, where we will
meet cousins B & L for dinner. After dinner we walk to Molly
Moon’s for homemade ice cream. O & I share a double scoop of
chocolate and balsamic strawberry with hot fudge sauce. We all have a
great time catching up. Then- back home again.

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