Trans-Canadian Highway to Kamloops

17 September 2016, Saturday

The rain is back. We have light but steady drizzle all night. Thankfully there is a lull in the rain when we wake. We wipe down the fly and pack the damp tent in its duffel. We return to the Lake Louise Inn to do some laundry. O goes to find some coffee. The Inn serves Starbucks. He requests a cup of coffee from the restaurant hostess. She asks if he will be returning for breakfast and he says yes. She replies that the coffee is her gift for the day. O and I sit and sip our coffee as our laundry cycles through. After the laundry is done we enjoy a very good breakfast at the inn. We are soon on the Trans-Canadian Highway travelling towards Kamloops. We drive through green mountains veiled by clouds and rain. We are again struck by what a beautiful country this is. 

We pause for a break from driving at a town called Salmon Arm, named after one arm of a huge lake. Here we are welcomed at the visitor center by a woman at the desk who is sympathetic regarding our ongoing presidential campaign. She gives us each a Canadian flag pin. O and I decide we will wear them when we go to vote in November.

So many choices!
The second rainbow of the double rainbow is barely visible in the photo.

We resume our drive westward. Suddenly we are out of the green mountains and into dry, brown rolling hills similar to those we have encountered in eastern Washington. We check in at the Marriott Hotel and then go to the highly recommended Noble Pig Brew House. The service is friendly, the beer is great and the food delicious. We return to the hotel to catch up on reading and blogging. We are treated to a view of a brilliant double rainbow as we relax in our room. On to Vancouver tomorrow.

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