Odds and Ends at Lake Louise

13 September 2016, Tuesday

It is again below freezing this morning. Sleeping is fine, but getting out of the tent in the morning to cook is difficult. Our fingers freeze as we prepare our food. We try holding our hands over the Coleman stove, but it only helps a little. Our pour-over coffee carafe also chills quickly. After breakfast we go on a hunt to find something that will serve as a coffee carafe cozy. After discussing many options we settle on a knit hat. It makes the carafe unsteady, but if we prop hat and carafe in our plastic mixing bowl it looks like it will work.

The rest of the day is spent on other chores – finding a post office, banking, and replenishing some supplies. By mid-afternoon chores are done. We try to drive up to Moraine Lake which many fellow hikers have told us not to miss. The road is closed when we arrive at the turn-off. The park attendants at the corner allow one car up the road each time one car leaves. We decide to see Moraine Lake tomorrow.

Back at camp we cook dinner, then chat with S. I even manage to get one more day of blog uploaded before I lose my connection. We decide on an early bedtime so we can drive up to Moraine Lake tomorrow morning before the parking area becomes too crowded.

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